Looking at the potential of Indonesia which has an area of the ocean is greater than on the Mainland. Indonesia is a major producer of salt. Salt itself is a product of the basis for the creation of industrial raw material.
Meanwhile for the type of industrial salt, pro-analytical salt and pharmaceutical salt Indonesia owned is still 100% obtained from importing. Therefore, it needs necessary efforts to improve production and application technology of purifying salt in order to meet the needs of the salt industry, pharmaceuticals and pro analysis salt, so that national salt industry more competitive and reduce dependence of imports against 3 commodities.

Although the national requirement per year of pro-analytical salt is very small compared to the other 3 types of salt, but the pro-analytical salt is high price per kilogram. Thus, this pro-analytical salt production will have a very strategic value added for the development of the national salt industry and has a high profit value for national entrepreneurs. Beginning third quarter 2016, PT KDS has initiated production pro-analytical salt in collaboration with Pusat Teknologi Farmasi dan Medika – BPPT.
We have received 3 Halal Certificates from MUI and LPPOM-MUI especially for 4 main products, namely:
- Pro PURESALT Sodium Chloride for Analysis
- Industrial PURESALT Sodium Chloride for Industrial
- FnB PURESALT Sodium Chloride for Food & Beverage
- PURESALT Pharma Sodium Chloride for Pharma