VariSynth – parallel synthesis the easy way Are you looking for a flexible reaction block for manifold applications? VariSynth might be the answer. One instrument allows you to run different reactions in parallel from 18 ml up to 2000 ml. The VariSynth System is available with two or four zones. […]
LAIX Technologies
Easy, Convenient, Unexpensive Our overhead stirrer for 4×500 ml volume is always with you in a practical carrying case to stir something quickly and immediately. The 4 big stainless steel paddles circulate synchronously and are driven by a powerful gear motor. The stirring direction is reversible, the speed range can […]
Our flat, wearless magnetic stirrers with up to 15 stirring positions are optimized for the use of standard bulbs and bottles with all common stirring bars. 1,6,10 or 16 stirring positions with 100% wearless and maintenance free inductive drive for the powerful mixing of solutions, wide range of speed from […]
Software to perform SFC Measurements using the NMR-Method Fully automated from LIMS to LIMS With SFC-Application you can perform computerized measurements with your Bruker minispec device. The software controls the processing of the sample tubes, the measurement using the minispec and also other devices, such as robot, tempering blocks, etc. […]
Fully automated data transfer from measurement device to LIMS Automated evaluation of the measurement results (Peaks) Functions: Data transfer and data process from the existing integration software Data storage in an internal database for later evaluations Indication and preparation of the determined data Data transfer to the LIMS Optional fully […]
Automated data transfer from measurement device to LIMS Standard Interface Software, consisting of 3 modules: 1. Import Transfer of the data from the system folder of the measuring device (Text or Excel-File) and optional data conversion 2. Archiving Archiving of the imported data, this is thus available for further evaluations […]
Our SFC baths are based on the VariLab System and are configured for the special needs of SFC-methods. Each bath has a number of temperature zones which can be automatically controlled to rapidly change the temperature during the melting curve analysis procedure. They are the ideal alternative to water baths […]
VariLab is our modular system for made-to-measure temperature dry baths. It allows us to provide you with the best bath for your application. Thanks to our partnership with Wergen Zerspanung, we can deliver customized baths quickly and cost-effectively. Design Size is not one of our limitations. We can manufacture almost […]
Your problem – our solution Our team is always looking for new challenges to find smart solutions. We are specialized in customized automation. One of our goals is to assist you with new machines that help to manage your daily work. We can develop, construct and build the automation that […]
Based on our VariSam automation platform we designed a new Automation for Oilseed Measurements: AOM. The new AOM automation has two modes for research and for fully automated measurement. The VariSam autosampler is equiped with a NMR spectrometer, a balance with a resolution of 0.1 mg and two sensor detected sample racks […]